Salman got punishment

Salman had to bear the brunt of teasing a girl

You will be surprised after reading this news that after BJP’s defeat from Muzaffarnagar seat in Uttar Pradesh, many goons who were living quietly in their homes, after hearing this news have again come out of their homes. They thought that Yogi Baba has got defeat in  the election. Now he will started again his mischief again in the rule of Samajwadi Party.But Salman did not know that these elections were for MP (Member of Parliament ), he thought that Yogi Baba defeat and after defeat he is going and because of this stupidity, Salman, a resident of Muzaffarnagar, did this mistake ,And Salman takes his bike and starts teasing the girls, but they had no idea that their disturbing moments were captured in some CCTV cameras.Then what did the Uttar Pradesh Police do that they picked up this goon Salman from his house and then took him to the police station and beat him so badly that he could not even stand on his feet.So this is a warning to the goons of Uttar Pradesh that Yogi Baba is still here and he will be in Uttar Pradesh for the next 10 years, so it is advisable for them consider the sisters of this country as their own sisters, otherwise ready to take punishment like salman